Services for Organisations.
As a manager or business owner your greatest asset is your people. We can design specific programs to help your employees at various stages in your business cycle.
Here are a few services that we offer:
Outplacement services
We provide personalised career transition services to separating employees. We help employers plan outplacement programs, prepare managers for the separation process, and help manage the transition on-site during the notification process. We can provide a range of services depending on the employer's needs. We also sub-contract to other outplacement organisations.
Personality profiling
Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Personality Assessment
How can the MBTI help you in your relationships, career or business?
The MBTI is the world's most widely used and best researched personality instrument. It is a self-report questionnaire based on Carl Jung's theory of personality types.
It can help to answer:
Why you can relate to some people and not othersWhy you are attracted to some people and not others
Why some people seem to speak your language, even at first meeting
Why some things stress you, while other people find the same things exciting or fun
How to appreciate the strengths or differences of others in your team
How to talk the same language as your prospects
How to find a career that matches your personality type
How to get the most from your employees
Cost $150 (includes self-scored form plus verification and clarification of type)
Human Resources Consulting
We are ready to support your organisation to manage your most valuable resource: your people. We have expertise in recruitment, outplacement and special projects. We have experience working with small businesses, not-for-profit organisations and large multinational clients.
Career development workshops and seminars
We can develop workshops or seminars tailor-made to the needs of your organisation to help your employees to plan their future or to grow or transition in their careers. We can also help you improve the performance of your people, teams and organisation with the world's most trusted personality instrument.