Career Direction.

Unsure of your direction? You may be just starting out in your career or have been in the workforce for years. We can lead you through a structured process of personal review to help you discover what motivates and drives you. We will help you to find a path that reflects who you really are. We also help you to build on the qualifications and experience that you already have if that is relevant. Ultimately, we're helping you to find your passion!
This process will help you:
Gain clarity around your career direction and goals.
Discover your core values, interests and personality to find a direction that fits with “who you are”.
Uncover “blockages” imposed by your previous conditioning or thinking.
Visualize yourself in a world where you have the ability to design and create your own future.
Think outside the square eg alternative forms of employment and enterprise such as home-based businesses and portfolio careers.
Consider realistic possibilities for your future career that will give you lasting work satisfaction.
Consider further education and training pathways that may be relevant to your needs.
Consider the benefits of lifelong learning.
Consider a holistic work-life balance.
The Career Direction Consultation process involves the following steps:
A date and time will be set for the first session after which a confirmation email with a link to the My Career Voyage© questionnaire is sent to you. You complete and submit the questionnaire at home prior to the first session.
You attend the first face-to-face or Zoom consultation (1 hour) where we will discuss your answers to the questionnaire and identify your priorities, interests and values. A date and time will then be set for the second session.
After the first session we will send you links to complete the MBTI personality assessment and Strong Interest Inventory online at home and submit them for scoring.
You attend the second face-to-face or Zoom consultation (2 hours) where your MBTI personality type will be verified and you will receive feedback and we will discuss your Strong Profile and Strong & MBTI Career Report. Through a process of feedback, discussion and brainstorming, a shortlist of several possibilities for your future will be identified during this session. A date and time will then be set for the third session.
After the second session you will complete the Researching Your Career Possibilities© worksheet at home to help you research each of the possibilities on your shortlist and identify your most preferred career.
You attend the third face-to-face or Zoom consultation (1 hour) where your preferred career is discussed and your career plan is developed. After the third session a date and time will be set for a final review session which is held 6 – 12 months down the track to review your progress with your career plan.
We also offer 12 months FREE telephone or email follow-up if you need further information, want to bounce other ideas off us, or need any other help.
Please note that all our consultations can be conducted by Zoom if that suits you better. This may suit you if live outside of Newcastle. The basic process outlined above remain the same however.
Cost $600